2019領航觀點【全新世代的複合式 DDoS 雲端攻擊防禦緩解服務】




分散式阻斷服務(DDoS)攻擊變得越來越頻繁,越來越強大,越來越複雜。 隨著攻擊工具和全球殭屍網絡越來越多,可能的攻擊規模比起以往任何時候都要更龐大。

部署 DDoS 保護的最合適方法取決於企業組織的IT架構以及業務的特性與需求。在選擇最佳解決方案之前,應該考慮幾個問題:


  • 需要保護的資產是通過地端部署,雲端部署,還是跨兩者混合託管?
  • 在和平時期,不同企業服務對額外延遲時間的敏感程度如何?
  • 除了網路層(L4)攻擊之外,企業組織對基於 SSL應用層(L7)級別的攻擊有多敏感?
  • 企業組織對轉移期間可能引起的服務中斷有多敏感?


多洛有限公司解決方案包括以地端為基礎的 DDoS 防禦設備以及基於雲端架構的 DDoS 防禦保護服務。複合式防禦架構則更為全面,它結合了地端 DDoS 防禦設備和基於雲端架構的 DDoS 防禦保護服務,DDoS 攻擊可在地端得到緩解,而大流量攻擊則被轉移到雲端清洗,為減輕大多數 DDoS 攻擊提供了最快反應時間。基於同樣的機制,複合式防禦架構允許企業組織在和平時期亦能夠得到最小的延遲。


歡迎企業各界前來洽詢全新世代的複合式 DDoS 雲端攻擊防禦緩解服務。

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Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are becoming more frequent, more powerful and more sophisticated. With the growing availability of attack tools and global botnets, the pool of possible attacks is larger than ever.

The most appropriate approach for the deployment of DDoS protection depends on the organization’s IT architecture and business needs. Several questions should be considered prior to choosing the optimal solution:


  • Are the assets that require protection hosted on-premise, in the cloud, or across both via a hybrid deployment model?
  • What is the level of sensitivity of the different enterprise services to additional latency during peacetime?
  • How sensitive is the organization to SSL-based and application-level attacks, beyond network-layer attacks?
  • How sensitive is the organization to the service disruption that may be induced during diversions?


Dolomite Finance Limited provides solutions including DDoS protection appliances installed on-premise as well as cloud-based DDoS protection services. A hybrid approach is becoming next generation methodology which combines on-premise DDoS protection appliances and cloud DDoS protection services to provide fastest time to mitigate of most DDoS attacks as DDoS assaults are mitigated on-premise and only volumetric attacks are diverted to the cloud. For the same reason, the hybrid approach allows organizations to enjoy minimal latency during peacetime.

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